
Background Checks

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Services Network


Background Checks

We believe in making background screening simple, by delivering personalized support and innovative tech, wherever you do business.

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Criminal Background Checks

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Criminal Background Checks

Criminal background checks are essential to providing a safe work environment and a transparent, responsible culture.

County / Federal Civil Searches

County and Federal records search for civil case filings, such as judgments, liens and pending civil suits.

County Criminal Searches

County level records search for felony and misdemeanor criminal activity. Our vast network of ISO 9001 compliant researchers is key to providing you with the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Federal Criminal Searches

U.S. District Court search for criminal activity violating federal laws. Criminal offenses may include crimes that have crossed state lines, crimes against government or financial institutions.

Global Sanctions Searches

Search dozens of domestic and international terrorist watch lists, as well as most wanted and financial debarment lists, including the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and Specially Designated Nationals (SDN).

Motor Vehicle Reports

Search each state’s Department of Motor Vehicle records. Confirms license status and reports any points, restrictions, violations and suspensions. Records available from all 50 states and Washington, DC. Instant results from all states, except Pennsylvania.

National Criminal Database

Search nationwide databases to identify criminal records in areas outside known residence or work addresses. Service includes misdemeanor and felony records contributed by participating state and county level agencies, Multi-State Sex Offender Database, the FBI Terrorist List, Federal/State/Local Wanted Fugitive Lists, The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), and OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN List).

Sex Offender Registry

Search either individual state registries or the National Sex Offender Registry.

Statewide Criminal Searches

State level search for felony and misdemeanor criminal activity, where available. The availability and completeness of records depends on the efficiency of the agencies and courts within the state that contribute and maintain the repository. We only offer statewide searches in states where the information meets our standards for accuracy and thoroughness.

Our integrative platform provides accurate screening with quick turnaround times that keeps you compliant. As an effective tool to uncover relevant criminal records, criminal background checks help you make informed hiring decisions.

Our criminal background checks are available on multiple scales to meet the demands of your organization, whatever size, type, and industry. Screen multiple jurisdictions as needed, based on applicant information and industry compliance laws.

Quick turnaround times of 3 days or less, provides the information you need to make fast, confident hiring decisions. We make background screening for employment as simple and transparent as possible. A member of our FCRA-certified team will work with you to achieve your screening needs.

Cr Dots

Notes from the Workplace

We are excited to share our ideas on issues and trends that impact your business, including the hiring process, candidate experience, background screening and onboarding.