
Identity Checks

Cr Dots
Services Network


Identity Checks

We believe in making background screening simple, by delivering personalized support and innovative tech, wherever you do business.

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Identity Verification Services

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Identity Verification Services

Identity and SSN checks verify the applicant is the person they claim to be.

Passport MRZ Validation

Verify the validity of a passport number based on its MRZ (Machine-Readable Zone) code.

Pre-Employment Credit Report

Public filings search as well as collections and account histories. Our pre-employment credit report is an FCRA-compliant version of an applicant’s credit profile.

Social Security Number Trace

Identify the applicant by providing full names, alternate names, addresses, and past locations of residence or employment. Obtain a more complete background on the applicant by revealing addresses or names previously undisclosed.

Social Security Number Validation

Consent-based, pre-hire access to official SSA Master File records. Information verified includes name, SSN, date of birth, gender, and death indicator. Ideal service for reducing E-Verify issues pre-hire.

By incorporating social security number traces, passport validation, and credit checks, your company can maintain an honest, transparent workplace.

Identity verification solutions reveal any prior SSN, alternate names for background checks, and ensure the validity of an applicant’s passport.  Our FCRA-certified team provides the answers needed to make the most educated, transparent hiring decisions.

Cr Dots

Notes from the Workplace

We are excited to share our ideas on issues and trends that impact your business, including the hiring process, candidate experience, background screening and onboarding.